2009年03月24日 23:34

Depeche Mode 機材当てクイズ開催中


■ Depeche Mode Behind the Scenes - Part I (KeyboardMag)

You’ve probably heard the latest single, “Wrong,” from Depeche Mode’s new album Sounds of the Universe, which drops in late April. To tide you over until our fantastic cover story in the May 2009 issue, we’d like to share some behind-the-scenes photos that the album’s producer, Ben Hillier, sent us. Given that they were taken in a dimly-lit recording studio, some are a bit blurry, but you can make out what’s there. I’m beginning to think that “Wrong” refers to the sheer number of gorgeous vintage analog synths that were involved, thanks in no small part to principal songwriter Martin Gore’s eBay obsession. Maybe what’s “Wrong” is that he has all this cool stuff, and you and I don’t — yeah, that must be it.

ニューアルバム「Sounds of the Universe」関連の記事が最新号のKeyboardマガジンに載りますよ、というお知らせ記事です。

スタジオ内のぼんやりした写真が何枚か掲載されています。Martin GoreがeBayでビンテージ機材を買いまくっているようで、ビンテージドラムマシンの山とか、見たことないようなモジュールシンセが整然と並べられている様子は圧巻です。当然MacなどPCも並んでいますが、基本はハードシンセで頑固にやってまっせということでしょうか。Oberheim Matrix-12が鎮座している姿には興奮します。

この記事のお遊びとして、レコーディングセッション中のスタジオ写真の一枚に並んだ6つの機材名をすべて正確に答えられた先着10名に「Sounds of the Universe」のCDをプレゼントするというクイズ企画をやっています。

■ Depeche Mode Behind the Scenes - Part II (KeyboardMag)

Yesterday, I posted some behind-the-scenes studio snapshots from the recording of the new Depeche Mode album, Sounds of the Universe. I also told you that tomorrow (that's today, for people who don't watch Doctor Who and therefore have trouble with that whole relativity of time thing), we'd be giving away a subscription to Keyboard magazine and a CD of the new album to the first six people who could correctly identify the gear in a certain photo from the recording sessions. Well, I lied. Mute/EMI Records graciously supplied ten CDs, so now, four more people will get the prize!



News : 2009年03月24日 23:34


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